There are many effective ways to reduce your size by one or even more without involvement of any kind of exercise or giving up food intake.
Normally a lot of exercise is required to reduce weight. You have to not only discipline yourself but also sweat a lot. Incase you consider this a bit too much and beyond you, do not be discouraged as there are many simple ways to ensure that the kilos drop and the weighing scale gives a better reading. All you have to do this to apply these 10 small tricks daily.
Take a glass of water before each meal
This will enable you to stay hydrated and the feeling of fullness will come in immediately and hold you back from over eating.
Depend on simple swaps
You must opt for less heavy dressing avoiding vinaigrette. Choose the Green Goddess dressing in the course of your lunch. This will save eighty extra calories. An other choice is to seek fresh fruit instead of the dried one. In this way more calories can be further saved.
Opt for a Dark Chocolate as Dessert
Do not eat cookies during breaks. In place of cookies take a piece of Dark Chocolate. This may not be too appropriate to the taste and you might feel dis satisfied in the beginning. What is essential is that you give up the sugar taste which will help you to save a lot of calories and the trend will be health oriented.
It is necessary to be careful about size of portion
Since your priority is to lose weight, it is important that in each meal you are able to eat the correct portions. Before you take your meal or snacks, it would be vise smaller plates and fill them with much less quantity. Further it is advisable to avoid second helpings.
More activity is required
Even though you may not be giving proper time to a regular routine workout, it is possible to burn extra calories through more movement during the day. You can always move around the office more, you can also use the stairs rather than the escalator and another important habit that needs to be developed is that you park the car at a distance from the office entrance.
Avoid juices and drinks
Juices and drinks enable you to add up calories and although you are otherwise making an effort, the results are not there. So you must give up the daily cold drink, early morning juice or even the hot drink at dinner time. It is very necessary that you depend upon water which can the flavored with items like lemon, or mint.
Avoid staying hungry for a long time
It is necessary that you do not starve yourself. In this regard less hunger can be useful as then you are not tempted to eat heavily and there by sabotage your eating discipline. An other important aspect is that the meals must be properly timed.
Opt for High-Protein and High-Fiber Foods
You must avoid and keep yourself away from high calories item like chips and crackers and in their place go for foods that are rich in fiber and taste really good.
Dinner must be light
Dinner must be taken at least 3 hours before touching the bed. Do not eat heavily as eating too much will disturbed your digestion and bring forth sleep issues.
Sleep well and more
If you do not get enough sleep, that affects you adversely and compels you to eat more during the next day. The advice is that you must get a minimum of 7 hours sleep every night. This serves as an enabler to keep the target of your weight loss on the right line.
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