Mar 4, 2016

How To Make 20$ Per Day in Few Days – Zahid Naqvi

How To Make 20$ Per Day in Few Days –Zahid Naqvi

Zahid Naqvi is My Brothers Friend. He is a health specialist and also working as an MSFO in Mobile Paisa (Warid Telecom). He had tried many methods to make money online but he didn’t success. Even he invested a lot but didn’t receive any positive response. Failure is the first step towards success that’s why he didn’t lose heart. He learnt a lot from his mistakes in the field of online money making. He was informed by someone about  his relatives that were making 600$/month. After that he took a decision to make money online using same method. He asked them about that method they didn’t tell him.

After That

After that he called me  because I also was using same method to make money online. I told him about blogging. As I already mentioned in this article that he is a health specialist that’s why I suggested him to make a blog on health. I taught him all that I could. He created a website Health PK – A Blog For Natural Health Tips. As per given instructions, he published some articles on his blog. Using some tools like facebook, goolge plus and othere he ranked up his website only in 13 days. He don’t know even 1 word about blogging but he received fruit of his struggle.

Domain For Blogging

I bought a domain for him. He started his work with an article on asthma. His first 5 articles were on asthma. After 13 days since started blogging he was surprised when he saw his first earning on Google Adsense. Screenshot of his first earning is given below just for motivation.

As shown in screenshot, he earned $6.13 on first time after 13 days of starting blog. It was a great success of Syed Zahid Naqvi because $6.13/day is not small amount for a newcomer. But in the same day, his earning increased. Second Screenshot of his earning is given below. Just for motivation.

Now, you can see clearly. He earned $2.50 from 11 am to 2 pm of the same day. It was due to his a lot struggle. He sent me another screenshot in which his earning was increased by $2.85 to $4.11.

As shown in screenshot, it is clear that he earned $10.24 only in 2 days. I was impressed by his struggle. He can do anything in blogging. If you want to make money online then there is no better field except blogging. If you need any help contact me anytime by filling up the contact form given in contact area.

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