Festivals of Pakistan are famous all around the world. Whether you are an ordinary Pakistani living in the country, an expat who is booking a flight to come and join family and friends for coming event or a foreigner who wants to see the true colors of culture of Pakistan, festivals are something everyone looks forward too.
There is never a shortage of festivals in our country, from religious events to local cultural celebration, everything is commemorated in our country.
A comprehensive list will be too exhaustive; so, instead let us give you a list of 7 festivals of Pakistan you won’t want to miss for anything in the world.
1. Basant – kite flying festival
It will be injustice if we mention any other festival before the kite flying. Though it lost a bit of its vigor after the bans from government nonetheless it still remains to be the most awaited festival throughout the year. Popularity of this festival can be judged from the fact that despite prohibition from the government and heavy penalties, people are still celebrating it with fervor.
The sky is covered with colorful kites and the roofs are covered with people wearing bright and vibrant clothes.
2. Eid ul Fitr – The Sweet Eid
Among all the festivals of Pakistan, Eid ul Fitr is the one when everyone makes the most preparations. Whether young or old, girl or boy, married or single; this event is for everyone. New clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories, mehndi – in short, everything has to be perfect for this event.
Even if it calls for staying in the market through the whole of Chaand Raat, all preparations needs to be completed for Eid ul Fitr.
3. Eid ul Azha – The Big Eid
This Eid truly deserves to be called the big eid as everything related to this eid is big, from the meals to the family celebrations.
This is the perfect time to unite with long lost friends and relatives because festivities of such festivals of Pakistan are best experienced when you unite with your loved ones.
4. Independence day – 14 August
Throughout the month of August, everywhere you turn your eyes you will see the color green; this owes to the Independence Day observed in the middle of the month.
Big and small flags are mounted on every house, every shop, every corner and every vehicle to mark the national spirit and solidarity.
5. National Horse and cattle show
There are local horse and cattle shows in all 4 provinces but national horse and cattle show is something you won’t want to miss because it gathers together the best of talent from the whole country. People nurture their cattle and animals all year around for showcasing on this special festival.
Races, cattle dance, folk music and cultural shows are also exhibited on this show. These heritage shows are conducted in all parts of the country, but the most special one is held at Fortress Stadium Lahore.
6. Folk festivals
Folk festivals are a no-miss event because they combine the best of local cultures from all corners of Pakistan. There are local artists, food, music, traditional clothes and everything that is made-in-Pakistan on these folk festivals.
Folk dances and display of craftsmanship are the real entertaining part of these folk festivals. Famous artists play conventional music tunes and songs that are specially associated with the particular folk festival.
7. Death anniversary of saints
The death anniversaries of famous saints of Islam are celebrated with full zest in cities where they are buried. Tombs are decorated, people flood in, traditional food is served for free and qawaalis echo all day. Local fairs are also carried out nearby that are true epitome of national culture. Tombs of saints are spread through the country, but religious festivals of Pakistan are most famous in Lahore and Multan.
It’s not just the festival itself, the cuisines, cultural traditions and related performances that make the celebrations stand out from the rest of the world. Locals and people gathered from afar join together in harmony to mark a patriotic and unified spirit.
Mark your calendar with these festivals of Pakistan to prepare for them ahead of time. Do not miss out any of these as they will become your cherished memories for times to come
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