Depression is a psychological problem and a depressed person can utter something harmful to himself. The main cause of depression is hopelessness.
When a person does not gets his/her desired thing he/she became depressed. Those who became victim of depression can’t enjoy the colorful world around them. Neither the beautiful weather nor the beautiful people can bring happiness in their lives. Depressed people love to be alone most of the time; they does not like a crowed of other people around them.
In today’s hectic era, every second or third person seems to be less or more depressed. Might be because of some social, financial, political or especially due to some personal problem. Particularly women become depressed quickly as compared to men. Being sensitive or touchy, women feel even the small aspects of life; and men hardly bother the small things.
No matter women or men, depression is equally harmful for both. Now we will help that how you can get rid of this depression. In this regard the most important thing is to think positive always. If you will think positive and automatically you will act positive. So positive thinking will definitely help you to make you less depressed.
Second important thing to avoid depression is to ‘Express your feelings and emotions’. Expressing the things will surely make you to feel light. If you can’t express your feeling through words in front of somebody, then go for the other platforms. If you think that you can’t express your feelings directly to somebody then write your words on a paper or on your dairy. Expression is the need of human beings. Every person in this whole world wants to say, what he has in his mind & heart. So try to express each and every thing in any way you have.
Count the blessings around you and ‘thank God’. Through this exercise you will feel better by realizing that you are able to deserve these blessings in front of God. So you will not feel lonely as God is here.
‘Always hope for the best’, is the best rule to avoid any sort of disappointment. Don’t think like that ‘what is happening around me’ or ‘why me’ etc, instead try to think that everything happens due to some reason or for some purpose. Try to think these sorts of things and you will feel a positive change in your life.
Last but not least, make others happy will also makes you happy.
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