The world is becoming a smaller and smaller place thanks to newer technology and advancement in science. In older times it was hard even to get to the nearest towns but now things have completely changed. One can choose any location to spend their time in.
While most people still prefer Paris and Singapore as their favorite holiday destination, there are many who consider those locations yawn inducing simply because they need much more thrill than a tower or an art festival could provide.
For our readers who like to be challenged and choose the road less travelled we bring you today top five destinations most hard to reach.
Tristan da Cunha is located in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is the most remote inhabitable place in the entire world. Located 1,700 miles away from the island is South Africa. South American coast is 2000 miles away. Populated merely by 271 people the island boasts of a rich history. A Portuguese explorer discovered the island in 1506. A small number of people from British, Italian, and American chose to settle down in Tristan de Cunha in the 1800s.
Only way to travel to the island is by boat due to it’s remote location.
Isolated from the modern world Motuo County is located in Tibetan Autonomous Region. Sounds romantic doesn’t it? A county unspoiled by the modern science. Heres a catch. Reaching Motuo is a task in itself. No roads lead to the county. Travelers have to take the overland route through frozen parts of the Himalayas and use a suspension bridge that is 200-meter-long to enter the county.
Mudslides, volatile landscape and avalanches have rendered the efforts to construct a road, futile. The highway that was built in the 90s that led to the county was unusable within few days of construction gradually deteriorated by nature.
A small village situated 500 miles below the North Pole on the Arctic Ocean in Nunavut territory Canada Alert is another remote adventurous location on the list. It is located at the top of the world due to which there are 24 hours of daylight in summers and 24-hour darkness during the winter. The temperature can easily reach 40 degrees below zero. The airport in Alert is often rendered unusable by the harsh weather. 1,300 miles away there is a small fishing village.
Located in the neighborhood of Gambier Islands and Tahiti Pitcairn Islandsare in the center of the southern Pacific Ocean. The town has a population of 50 people.
In 1789, crewmembers of the HMS bounty were so mesmerized by the scenic beauty of the island that they overthrew their commander and settled on the island. Most inhabitants today are direct descendants of those crewmembers. There are no air strips. If one has to get to Pitcairn one has to travel by boats from New Zealand. This journey can take up to ten days.
Kerguelen Islands are located in the southern Indian Ocean. The islands have also been given the name of “Desolation Islands” due to it’s remoteness from any civilization. The island has no air strip. To reach the beautiful islands the travelers must take a six day boat ride a small island located off the coast of Madagascar called Reunion. Due to it’s location the island does not have any native population. It’s inhabitants are scientists and engineers from France. Apart from research facility the island also serves as a shelter to an endangered breed of French cattle.
Ever since it’s discovery in 1772 the islands have been a fascination for different biologists and explorers. Captain James Cook visited the islands in 1776.
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