Mar 6, 2016

How to Make Money Online With Simple and Easy Methods

How to Make Money Online With Simple and Easy Methods

Make Money Online : Hey Everyone, I hope you will be fine. Now I am going to teach you how to make money online without any investment. Everyone wants to have an online source of earning. There are many methods to earn online, but I will discuss only few of them. After reading my this article you will be able to make money online at your home. 

How to Make Money Online?

You have to follow the given steps.
  • Apply For Payoneer Master Card
  • Select a method of earning
  • Work on the way of earning that you selected

Payoneer Master Card

May be you are confused about Payoneer Master Card. Payoneer is an online company providing online banking facility all over the world , situated in USA and attached with Bank Of America. It’s free for everyone. When you will apply in it they will send you a master debit card at your given address for free of cost that you can use all in over the world. After receiving this card you have to activate it by entering its details in Payoneer Account.

Methods to Make Money Online

There are many methods to earn online / make money online. A few of them is given below.

How to Make Money Online through Blogging?

You can easily earn through blogging. Blogging is a big source of earning but It takes a time while startup. If you want to make money through blogging you need to know about its steps that you need to follow. It takes 1 month to 6 months.
In blogging you have to make a new website or blog where you have to work on daily basis in start. When you will have started a website google will rank it. When you will have got a good rank, you will able earn online. Following are the steps that you need to follow. I will discuss all steps step-by-step.

Niche / Keyword

Niche is the basic and important part of blogging. Before starting blogging to make money online you must have to research on a keyword on which you want to make a website. If you want to make a news website than you have to research on keywords like Pakistani News, News on Celebrity, Funny News,Entertainment News etc. Read this article to know how to research on keywords.
Click Here : Google Adwords Keyword Tool Complet Training 

Purchasing a Domain

You have to purchase a domain name for your website to make money online that should contain your niche like entertainmentnews(dot)com , newsxyz(dot)com, xyznews(dot)com. Selection of a good domain will rank your website in less time.

Purchasing a Hosting

To run a domain name you need to purchase a hosting for it. Hosting acts like a CPU and Domain Acts like an internet Cable. Hosting is useless without a domain as well as a domain is useless without hosting. You can purchase any hosting plan from any good hosting like WebSouls and HosterPk. Hosting is of different types like.

Web Designing

After purchasing domain and hosting according to your niche, you have to design a website according to your niche requirements. e.g., If your niche is about news website then look of your website design should be news based like Pakistan News Portal or Education News Portal.
You don’t need to worry about designing. website designing is very easy you just need to learn WordPress. You can design your website within 1 day. WordPress is software that you need to learn how to use it for designing. You ca learn wordpress in a few hours because it is very easy to use.

Content Publishing

After Designing your website, the next step is to put some relevant content in your website. Content should be according to your site niche. If your site’s niche is news then content should be news related. Content should be unique and self written means to say plagiarism is not allowed. You need research on content rules. If you are writing article try to increase its length more than 500 words.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a tool to tell the search engines about your website’s content. Means to say that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tells the google that what is your content’s niche. Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Content is very good for your websites help. A content without Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like water on floor that has no value. If you are wordpress user you can easily manage Search Engine Optimization by installing a plugin Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack.
You need to research on this tool as you can. Because it is very very important. A good Search Engine Optimized Article Means You Your content on First Page of Google. Google Loves Length. You need to focus on length as well as pictures.
I will write an article on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as soon as possible.

Sitemap Submission

After completing above steps now its time to submit your website content on google using submit sitemap tool. Sitemap is a collection of your links that are in your website. To generate a sitemap of your site search on Google “Sitemap Generator” then visit any given website and write your website there. It will generate a sitemap of your site. You have to download it and upload it in your site’s main directory. If you are using WordPress then it’s not difficult for you. Just install any plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. It will generate a sitemap of your site automatically. Now its time to submit it in google You have to sign in with your gmail account at Google Search Console/ Webmaster Tools. After signing in you have to verify your site. After that you can submit your sitemap there.

It will index your site as soon as possible. It will be visible at Google after indexing. If you want to know about google webmaster tools, you have to read my next article in which I will completely describe about Google Webmaster Tools /  Search Console.

On the other hand, Bing and Yahoo are also search engines. They are also important. You only need to submit your sitemap on Bing, Yahoo will also index it as soon possible automatically. You need to join Bing Webmaster tools by signing in via your live id.

Backlinks Building

Backlinks mean link of your website in another website and backlinks are called life of a domain. A domain can’t beat highly ranked websites without backlinks. Backlinks are most important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). More high quality domains refer your site means  that your websites’s rank is more. I have no time to discuss it here briefly

Sharing on Social Media

Now, we are going towards success because we have done a lot. Now it is the time to get traffic from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other ones by sharing your content on them. I prefer Google+ and Facebook in this matter. Best source of traffic is Google itself and Facebook whereas google+ is only a source to rank your content on google search console.

Share your each and every content link in different groups on Facebook and in status field of Google Plus. Google will prefer your content because of Google Plus. Make Money Online By getting traffic from Social Media , I will also discuss it carefully in my next articles as soon possible. Wait a few days or months for it.

Applying For Google AdSense

Now, I have reached at main point of earning or making money online through blogging. Google AdSense is a department of google which provides its account to website owner to show ads on their websites. To apply for adsense, you must have a website which has more than 20 posts. If your website will 6 months old google will prefer you. After getting approved by Adsense you need to implement some ad codes on your website where google will show ads, from where you will get paid.

If your website is based on wordpress than you have to install a Google Adsense plugin in it to implement google adsense ad codes in your site. It will help you to show ads on Mobile devices easily. You need good traffic for good rank.

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