Mar 25, 2016

Oven-Roasted Chicken with New Potatoes

Oven-Roasted Chicken with New Potatoes
Garnish the ooh's and ahh's when you put this pretty roast chicken on the table, circled by roasted new potatoes drizzled with herbs and olive oil.


tablespoons chopped fresh herbs (such as oregano, sage or rosemary) or 2 teaspoons dried herb leaves
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
tablespoons olive oil
(3 1/2 to 4-lb.) whole roasting chicken 
1 1/2
to 2 lb. small red potatoes, unpeeled, halved 


  • 1 Heat oven to 450°F. In small bowl, combine herbs, salt, pepper and oil; mix well.
  • 2 Place chicken, breast side down, in shallow roasting pan. Arrange potatoes around chicken in pan. Drizzle half of oil mixture over potatoes; stir to mix. Bake at 450°F. for 20 minutes.
  • 3 Remove pan from oven. Spoon some of remaining oil mixture over chicken and potatoes; stir potatoes. Turn chicken breast side up. Return to oven; bake an additional 10 minutes.
  • 4 Remove pan from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 325°F. Drizzle remaining oil mixture over chicken and potatoes; stir potatoes. Return to oven; bake an additional 40 to 50 minutes or until chicken is fork-tender and juices run clear, and potatoes are tender.

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